Human resources is quite important topic for companies. İf a company has strong human resources management, it could be successful in the shot time. Because trading is doing between humans. Therefore, companies should consider what their consumers think about them.
The image which companies have is substantial. That’s why companies lagged behind from era will bankrupt or fall into disfavor.
Our century is in the huge digitalization process. Therefore digitalization had influenced to human resources sector.
We will mention that what is the Digitalization and how Digitalization affects human resources sector in our article.
What is the Digitalization
In the 21st century almost everything processing on digital platforms and we called it as Digitalization. For instance, People could communicate each other, companies can work online. Some people works as a freelancer in digital platforms.
Trading can be made on completely digital. Dropshippers could trade without any face to face interview.
How Digitalization Affects Human Resources Sector
Before digitalization, human resources was more difficult, because human resources managements was compelled to do surveys or face to face interviews. Nowadays, human resources could understand quickly what should be their next step. They could research what people think about their companies in social media platforms.
On the Other Hand, There is an huge hazard for human resources sector. With social media platforms becoming popular, misleadings and miss knowledges become more common. That’s why companies may encounter meaningless lynches.
The lynch culture make things worse. For example, When a company started to an project, it could be about dogs, somebody could make people misleaded with saying that the company kills dogs.
Even though it is not true, the company encounter lynch and project could be canceled. Similar examples could be founded in reality about that.
Despite negative effects of digitalization, human resources sector could be grow in near future thanks to digitalization.